Eugeniusz Kulski


Julian Eugeniusz Kulski (born 3 March, 1929 in Warsaw, died on 12 August, 2021 in Washington), son of Eugenia from the Solecka family and Julian Spitosław Kulski, President of Warsaw on behalf of the Polish Underground State and the Government of the Republic of Poland in exile.

Facts from the life of Julian Eugene Kulski
1941 r.

Times of occupation


During the occupation he lived in Żoliborz. From 1941 he was a member of the underground in the ranks of the Union of Armed Struggle (ZWZ/AK/ under the war name of “Chojnacki” and “Goliath”. Then joined the –Baszta battalion, afterwards in Żoliborz the 9th Diversion Company of the Home Army “Żniwiarz”. He is a participant of the Warsaw Uprising in Żoliborz, during which he got wounded twice. He was awarded with the Military Cross of Valor and a silver cross for his bravery and courage in the battle.

1945 r.

Going to England and starting studies


After the Warsaw Uprising, he and other soldiers of the Home Army were sent to the Stalag XI-A Altengrabow POW camp. In May 1945, the camp was liberated by the Americans, after which Julian E. Kulski escaped to England. There he enrolled at Portora Royal School in Northern Ireland, and then began studying architecture at Oxford.

1948 r.
– 1953 r.

Further immigration to the United States and graduation from Yale University


After three years, on the advice of a family friend and then his mentor Jan Nowak-Jeziorański, he left for the United States, where he began studying architecture at Yale University, which he graduated in 1953.

1966 r.

Ph.D. at the faculty of architecture at Warsaw University of Technology


In 1966 he obtained his doctorate degree at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology. He worked, among others, at Notre Dame University, George Washington University and Howard University in Washington. Over the course of his sixty-year professional career, he had coordinated more than three thousand architectural projects in the USA and around the world. As an expert of the World Bank, he supervised projects related to education and culture, which were carried out in Asia, South America, Africa and Europe.

1970 r.
– 2004 r.

Director of the Kosciuszko Foundation and university lecturer


In his professional career, prof. Julian Eugeniusz Kulski also served as Director of the Kościuszko Foundation in New York and lectured on international relations at the prestigious Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security in Washington.

2004 r.

Publication of Professor Kulski’s autobiography


Earlier, in 2004, the two-volume autobiography of Professor Kulski titled “Dziedzictwo Orła Białego” (“Legacy of the White Eagle”) was released on the Polish publishing market. The publication was resumed in 2011 by the Granmark publishing house.

2007 r.

Honoring the Commander’s Cross


In 2007 prof. Julian E. Kulski received the Commander”s Cross with Star of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland conferred by President Lech Kaczyński.

2012 r.

Publication of another autobiography


His extraordinary life history behind the scenes Kulski described in several autobiographical books published in the USA, Poland and Brazil – they are also textbooks for the recent history of Poland, especially on the period of the Second World War. In the United States, his book “Legacy of the White Eagle’ is a school textbook for learning history in public schools. In Poland, it was published in 2012 under the title “Julek Powstaniec’.

2014 r.

Professor Kulski’s latest book


The latest book by Julian E. Kulski entitled “The Color of Courage: A Boy at War: The World War II Diary of Julian Kulski” (published by Aquila Polonica in 2014) was translated into Portuguese and appeared in Brazil under the title “A Cor da Coragem. A Guerra de um Menino: About Diario de Julian Kulski at the Segunda Guerra Mundial “(Edittora Valentina, 2016).

2017 r.

Awarded the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta


In 2017, President Andrzej Duda also awarded him Commander”s Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta for his distinguished services to Poland”s independence and cultivating Polish national traditions. Professor Kulski also received Bene Merito honorary distinction for promoting Poland and strengthening its international position by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.