About foundation


The mission and statutory objectives

The mission and statutory objectives of the Kulski Foundation for Polish-American relations are focused on the promotion of patriotic values and Polish historical heritage through information and educational activities addressed to a wide range of Polish and foreign recipients, including representatives of the public opinion, media, public administration, opinion leaders and representatives of the NGO sector.

Socio-institutional dialogue

The projects implemented by the Foundation create a multidimensional platform for social and institutional dialogue in areas, such as national security, foreign policy, culture, national heritage or historical policy.

By analyzing the best international system and legislative solutions, the Kulski Foundation supports the process of modernizing the Polish legal system, striving to eliminate economic and social barriers. In this way, the Foundation systematically supports the development of Poland’s economic and cultural potential in the international arena.

The strategic goals of the Kulski Foundation for Polish-American relations have been set out in details in the provisions of the statute and can be classified into 3 main categories:

Building historical memory and implementation of educational and information activities,

Activities aimed at civic culture development, as well as systematic development of the Polish civil society potential,

Strengthening the positive image of Poland in the international arena through activities in the field of public diplomacy.

The history of the Foundation

Establishment of a foundation

The Kulski Foundation for Polish-American Relations was established on 10 June, 2015 by the will and initiative of Julian Eugeniusz Kulski – the hero of the Warsaw Uprising, architect, World Bank expert and a close friend of figures, such as Jan Nowak Jeziorański or Zbigniew Brzeziński.

From the very beginning of its activity, the Kulski Foundation has been dealing with documentation and cultivation of the memory of the achievements, life and activities of Julian Spitosław Kulski – the Deputy of Stefan Starzyński and the hero of occupied Warsaw.

Involvement in community projects

With the help of various types of social and cultural projects, the Kulski Foundation builds a sense of national identity and fosters valuable moral models. By implementing educational and scholarship projects, the Foundation strengthens patriotic attitudes among the representatives of the young generation, as well as preserves the historical memory of Warsaw heroes from the occupation period.

The Foundation is also the organizer of a range of local and international conferences, historical projects and cultural events aimed at reinforcing Polish-American relations and shaping of valuable social approaches.

Recipients of the Foundation’s activities

The group of recipients (target group) of the projects carried out by the Kulski Foundation is extremely inclusive and extensive. It consists of:

Representatives of the widely understood public opinion (each time the communication language is adapted to the age group profile)

Academic community (students, lecturers)

Polish and foreign media

Representatives of public administration (both at the level of local government and central administration)

Representatives of the non-governmental sector (NGOs)

Business representatives, as well as representatives of international corporations with global influence

Representatives of opinion-making circles and internet opinion leaders (influencers)

Przedstawiciele administracji publicznej (na poziomie samorządu lokalnego i administracji centralnej)

Representatives of the world of culture and art

International organizations (UN agencies, World Bank, International Monetary Fund etc.)