

Born on August 19, 1893, he was a great admirer of Warsaw, an active underground activist, one of the most distinguished defenders of the capital during the 1939 September campaign and, above all, the commissioner president of Warsaw, who fought to the last moment in its defense. He had already organized the OPL (anti-aircraft defense) before World War II, and after the government fled to Romania, as president of the capital he became the “de facto” head of the country. He made the decision that the capital would defend itself and directed the civilian defense of the fighting Warsaw himself.

“I wanted Warsaw to be great. I believed it would be great. I and my colleagues drew plans, made sketches of the great Warsaw of the future. And Warsaw is great.” – these are Stefan Starzynski’s significant words from September 23, 1939, which perfectly reflect his commitment to building the capital. And he was definitely a great builder. He is the author of many modernist changes in Warsaw, carried out in 1934-1939. It was thanks to him that Warsaw was turned towards the river, he started the construction of the Vistula highway and modernized the city’s exit arteries.