“Help for Ukraine”
The armed conflict in Ukraine has been going on for almost two months now. During this period as the Kulski Foundation we focused on organizing aid for our eastern neighbors. However, this would not be possible without the support we received from volunteers.
Many people from various countries – USA, Poland and Ukraine – are involved in our actions. All of them did their best and used their contacts to better organize help for Ukraine.
It is thanks to you, volunteers, that we provided transportation for refugees from the border. Due to your work we are able to send humanitarian convoys to Lviv and supply the needed products to aid warehouses. Even when we encountered difficulties and obstacles on our way and it seemed impossible to carry out the mission – our friends never asked us “is it possible?”, but rather “when?”. Packing the buses, coordinating the action is a daily, invisible, but essential work, without which it would not be possible to help the war-torn Ukraine.
This time, though full of hard work, has demonstrated us how much we can achieve thanks to cooperation with people full of vigor to help. This enthusiasm will not wane and we will jointly continue our action to support Ukraine.
We wholeheartedly thank you for the great work!
Special thanks go to:
- Zdzisława Domańska-Klaus
- Anna Gembicka
- Ilona Grzelak
- Naira Harutyunyan
- Marek Hrynyk
- Robert Hyżorek
- Sarah Kemp
- Tomasz Kierkowicz
- Anna Kowalczuk
- Mateusz Krupczyński
- Ivan Kulchytskyy
- Catharine Kulski
- Aleksander Kwieciński
- Krzysztof Łokaj
- Karol Machnicki
- Maciej Machnicki
- Piotr Mazurek
- Nataliya Melnyk
- Natalia Miller
- Dariusz Modrak
- Artur Musiał
- Joanna Nalazek
- Marcin Nowacki
- Jarosław Nyk
- Łukasz Osiecki
- Thomas Palmer
- Bartosz Pisarski
- Julia Poncyljusz
- Agata Przepiórka
- Rafał Ramotowski
- Irena Rej
- Bartosz Rybak
- Radosław Sierpiński
- Robert Socha
- Aleksandra Śniegocka-Goździk
- Maarten Van Baelen
- Anton Ventslav
- Maciej Wewiór
- Doug Wright