“The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it”. Second edition. Challenges & opportunities: 2020


About the second edition

The challenges and benefits of the geographical location of Poland and the dynamics of relations with foreign partners in 2020 were the main theme of the second edition of the conference “The best way to predict the future is to create it”. Challenges & opportunities: 2020.

The event took place on 21 January, 2020 at the Warsaw Garrison Command Club. During four discussion panels, conference participants discussed the priorities for Polish foreign policy in areas, such as defense, international trade, transatlantic cooperation in the area of healthcare, as well as in the field of battlefield medicine.

Most interesting excerpts of the conference

“With joy and complete certainty it can be stated that the high dynamics of trade and cultural cooperation between the USA and Poland brings real results. An example is the lifting of the visa regime, for which Poles have been waiting for so many years,”

– Małgorzata Bogusz, President of the Kulski Foundation, welcomed the participants of the January event. In her speech, she summed up the results of the first edition of the conference, which took place on 26-27 September, 2019 in Washington.

“The USA remains a natural economic partner for both the EU and the Three Seas countries. Without stable economic and political relations with the USA, the dynamic development of our region along the North-South axis will not be possible.”

– The President of the Kulski Foundation also emphasized the importance of active transatlantic cooperation in strengthening the stability of our region.

“The idea we had in Washington was to talk to each other. What we managed to achieve in Washington, and what we hope to continue at the next conferences, is a meeting of representatives from both the left and the right side of the Polish political scene; Democrats and Republicans on the American side; military, doctors, NGOs and think-tanks representatives “

– president of Warsaw Enterprise Institute Foundation – Tomasz Wróblewski, in his speech, emphasized the importance of intersectoral dialogue.

“Cooperation between the two countries is developing in a good, continuous and effective manner”

– said Pawel Wozny – Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Defense. During his speech, Minister Wozny expressed the hope that the conference will be an opportunity to analyze the multiple aspects of Polish-American relations

Report presentation “The White Paper of Best Investment Practices”

The report included key factors determining active cooperation between Poland and the US. Palutkiewicz pointed to changes in the structure of the Polish economy, such as the growing role of the service sector or the increasing openness of the Polish market to foreign products and services.

The WEI expert also recalled one of the strategic goals of the government, which is foreign expansion in the markets outside the EU for example to the USA. Palutkiewicz emphasized the potential and vigour of Polish-American cooperation. In his speech, he mentioned that in 2008-2019, the United States became the 8th recipient of Polish exports, moving from the 19th position. Finally, the WEI representative drew attention to the economic effects of good ally cooperation between Poland and the USA.

– Piotr Palutkiewicz on behalf of WEI
Discussion panels during the second edition of the conference

Panel I

Effective economic cooperation between the US and the Trilateral countries

Tony Housh, President of the American Chamber of Commerce, gave a keynote speech in which he emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships in realizing the potential of the Trilateral countries. Housh also expressed the need to build a secure infrastructure, which, combined with military cooperation, will bring us closer to the common goal of a stable and modern Central Europe. During the panel moderated by Piotr Palutkiewicz, experts discussed how to create favorable conditions for foreign investors in Poland, what are the opportunities for Polish companies to expand to third countries, and what initiatives are being taken to increase the share of R&D and high technology in domestic exports.

Panel II

Transatlantic cooperation in health care innovation and R&D

The panel was moderated by Radoslaw Sierpinski, MD, PhD – President of the Medical Research Agency. In his keynote, Sierpinski stressed the importance of scientific diplomacy, which can translate not only into real academic progress, but also (and perhaps most importantly) technological development. Maciej Miłkowski of the Ministry of Health talked about the promising beginnings of the Ministry’s cooperation with the Medical Research Agency and research companies. Roman Topór-Mądry, President of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tarification, meanwhile suggested that reimbursement criteria for those therapies that are clinically effective play a huge role in this cooperation. The panelists jointly discussed how, in the face of increasing expenditures on health care, to objectively and prudently dispose of public funds. Among the challenges facing the Polish healthcare sector, experts mentioned the need to amend the laws on benefits, the development of specific guidelines for the technology assessment method, the creation of a government unit responsible for building the life-science sector, strengthening the position of AOMiT as an advisory body, and the need to take advantage of Polish scientific potential

Panel III

Battlefield medicine

Capt. Anita Podlasin of the Military Medical Education Center in Lodz presented innovative solutions used in Polish tactical medicine. Capt. Podlasin also stressed the importance of active military-civilian cooperation and the necessity of planning civil defense activities in case of armed conflict in the future.

Panel IV

US role in ensuring security in Europe and the Middle East

The moderator of the panel on defense was Boguslaw Winid, advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland. During the discussion, panelists stressed that Poland’s defense policy cannot be based only on trust in NATO or treating the United States as the absolute guarantor of Poland’s security.

Partners of the conference