

Experts debates are successfully carried out!

We have finished the series of expert debates “Warsaw architecture before and after the war” and ?The Presidents of Great Warsaw – the capital in the times of Starzyński and Kulski? !

Our today’s guests were:

Michał Krasucki – Capital Conservator of Monuments

Wojciech Wagner – Deputy Director of the Architecture and Spatial Planning Office in the Warsaw City Hall

Jakub Zemła – Landscape Architect, Urban Planner

Grzegorz Mika – Architect, Varsavianist

Adam Siwek – Director of the Institute of National Remembrance

Jarosław Loretz ? Varsavianist

Both debates were moderated by dr. Agnieszka Skórska-Jamusz.

We would like to sincerely thank all the panelists for taking part in these discussions!

We would like to express our gratitude for their support to media patrons of today’s event – and the Kurier Warszawski magazine.

The debates were held thanks to the co-financing from the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport under the Programme of the National Centre for Culture: ?Kultura ? Interwencje 2021?.

We would also like to thank all of you, who followed today’s events via social media.

Many thanks to no.4 Residence for hospitality at their beautifully decorated premises!