

Professor Julian Eugeniusz Kulski, Warsaw Insurgent, academic lecturer, authority for many Poles died

It is with deep sadness The Kulski Foundation, the grieving Family and Friends announce that Professor Julian Eugeniusz Kulski, a hero of the Warsaw Uprising, an architect with the World Bank, academic lecturer and renowned authority of many Polish generations passed away on the evening of 12.08.2021.

Through his conduct and life choices, Professor Julian E. Kulski kept showing us that patriotism, courage and the love of his country were not empty platitudes, but a philosophy that guided the course of his entire adult life. 

During World War II, the teenage Julian E. Kulski engaged in the armed struggle to liberate Poland from the yoke of the Nazi occupant and became one of the youngest participants in the Warsaw Uprising. After the war he relentlessly pursued Polish interests in transatlantic relations, acting as an informal advocate of ?Polish affairs? in the United States. Together with his friends Jan Nowak Jeziorański and Zbigniew Brzeziński, he made sure that the Polish national interest remained on the agenda of successive US political leaders. He came to become an insider among Washington’s political and business elites, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of the alliance between Poland and the USA.

During his last visit to Poland in 2019, Professor Kulski recalled: ?Just as my father fought every day for the people of Warsaw and Poland, I strive to honor my father’s legacy and to give him a proper place in the history of the city and the country. I would like the next generations not only to remember the history and heroism of the Warsaw Insurgents, but also understand what motivated us at that time and what values we were guided by. I wish that our values ? the craving for freedom, the love of the homeland, the steadfastness in the struggle for life of dignity ? would last forever…

The words, legacy, and life ethic of Professor Julian E. Kulski will remain in our hearts forever.