

The Monument to the Presidents of Great Warsaw unveiled

Yesterday,  on 09 October, 2021 the Monument to the Presidents of Great Warsaw was unveiled on the Vistula boulevards.

The monument was officially unveiled by Catharine Kulski, wife of prof. Julian Eugeniusz Kulski, Małgorzata Bogusz, President of the Kulski Foundation, Minister Jan Dziedziczak, Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and Włodzimierz Karpiński, Secretary of the Capital City of Warsaw.

During the official unveiling ceremony of the monument to the Presidents of Great Warsaw, the letter of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was read by Minister Jan Dziedziczak, Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the letter of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport Piotr Gliński was presented by Kacper Sakowicz, Head of the Minister?s political cabinet. On behalf of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, the speech was delivered by the Secretary of the City of Warsaw, Włodzimierz Karpiński.

The monument commemorates two figures of great merit for the development of the Polish capital – Stefan Starzyński and Julian Spitosław Kulski, the Presidents of Warsaw. It is to pay a tribute to their services to the civilian population during World War II and contribution to the development of the capital’s infrastructure in the interwar period. The inspiration for the sculptor Paweł Pietrusiński was a photo showing presidents Starzyński and Kulski visiting the area of ??the then built Vistula boulevards.

The initiative and overall idea of the construction of the monument to the Presidents of Great Warsaw belong to the recently deceased prof. Julian Eugeniusz Kulski – Warsaw insurgent, Colonel of the Polish Army, professor of architecture, long-time associate of the World Bank, as well as the Founder the Kulski Foundation.

We would like to thank everyone, who participated personally in this unique ceremony and those, who followed today’s events via our social media.

We would like to sincerely thank the sponsors and partners of the monument’s construction. Without their support and dedication, this project would not have succeeded.