

The preparations for the monument construction to Julian Spitosław Kulski and Stefan Starzyński are slowly coming to an end

From the very beginning of its establishment the Founding Council of the Foundation have had the idea of ??building a monument to wartime Presidents of Warsaw – Stefan Starzyński and Julian Spitosław Kulski.

The first concepts of the project were developed back in 2015.

From that moment on the Foundation’s team has undertaken a number of administrative and legal actions aimed at ensuring that the shape and location of the monument adequately present the merits of Julian Spitosław Kulski and Stefan Starzyński for the population of the occupied capital.

Over the past 4 years cooperation has been established with a number of state and private institutions that care for due memory of the activities of Presidents S. Starzyński and J. S. Kulski. In partnership with the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the project team determined the location of the monument on the area adjacent to the Gardens of the Royal Castle, right next to the walking route.

Most of the administrative and legal activities related to the monument construction are scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of 2019. Information on the planned date of unveiling the monument and the current progress related to construction works will be published on the Foundation’s website on an ongoing basis.

Due to the project scale, as well as its prestigious location, the completion of construction will only be possible with the financial support from other donors. If you would like to have your contribution in this monument construction, please contact the Foundation’s office at or transfer the funds directly to the Foundation’s account with the note “for the construction of the monument”:

The Kulski Foundation for Polish-American relations

Account number: 52 1750 0012 0000 0000 4095 2179

We would also like to thank the following partners for their support and active cooperation throughout the project implementation:

– the Chancellery of the Prime Minister

– The authorities of the Royal Castle in Warsaw

– the Office of the Capital City of Warsaw

– the Board of the Municipal Water and Sewage Company – the Municipal Conservator of Monuments